On-demand webinar

Supercharge sourcing with SEEK Talent Search Connect and JobAdder

Don’t let the talent crunch impact growth in your business, get access to 14 million searchable candidate profiles from within JobAdder with our new SEEK Talent Search Connect integration.

We recently conducted a live webinar to showcase this powerful integration and we are making the webinar available for you to watch on-demand.

To celebrate the launch, we invited recruitment expert Barbara Bruno to share her tips on effectively reaching out to passive candidates during the webinar. Simply complete the form for instant access to a range of insights, including:

  • How to communicate with passive candidates
  • Some handy call scripts for in-house teams and recruitment agencies
  • The do’s and don’ts of recruiting and sourcing
  • Why candidates might be avoiding your calls

Complete the form to watch now

Want to reach passive candidates? Discover top tips from sourcing expert Barb Bruno