JobAdder + LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect (RSC)

LinkedIn Recruiter & JobAdder integration: Save time & improve collaboration

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Want to get more out of two important tools you already own? Introducing Recruiter System Connect, a free integration between LinkedIn Recruiter and JobAdder that simplifies your hiring process and boosts productivity. 

Save 3+ hours a week
Candidate info is shared across systems and teams, keeping your team up to date wherever you’re working, reducing switching back and forth.

Improve collaboration
Everyone across your teams can more easily access the same candidate information, allowing the entire team to work more efficiently — and make more hires.

Provide a better candidate experience
Have more personalized and relevant conversations with candidates using real-time profile insights — providing an experience that will keep them coming back.

To learn more, click here.

To get a free demo, contact LinkedIn here.

Websites for Recruiting
Productivity for Recruiters
Websites for Recruiting
Video Interviewing
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