JobAdder + Ringover

Ringover & JobAdder integration: Manage calls & SMS seamlessly

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Ringover enables users to easily manage calls and SMS from anywhere with a seamless integration into JobAdder to log and centralise all conversations.

The Ringover and JobAdder integration empowers staffing and recruitment professionals to work in perfect sync and deliver the smoothest candidate experience. One-click calling from the CRM workspace using Ringover numbers allows agents to connect with candidates effortlessly. Ringover supports teams in their global hiring pursuits, providing phone numbers from over 65 countries across 7 continents.

With Ringover, recruiters can match callers to their JobAdder candidate profiles, enabling personalised conversations. All phone calls and SMS pertaining to candidates are automatically logged in the correct candidate and contact profiles, ensuring accuracy throughout the entire hiring journey. Stay organised and make informed decisions with ease.

Pair Ringover with JobAdder to enhance team efficiency and prioritise the candidate experience. Save time on data entry so that you can free up time to engage applicants and drive business growth. With this integration, teams can centralise interactions happening across all units, ensuring crucial information never gets lost.

Feature highlights:

– One-click calling

– Live call supervision

– Real-time statistics & reporting

– Multi-language IVR

– Automatic call recording

– Outbound power dialler

– Interview call analysis & transcription (Add-on)

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