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How to write
winning job ads

The talent market is tight, now more than ever your job ads need to stand out and appeal to your ideal candidate.
We asked the guru of job ad writing, Kelly Stone, to share her tips for getting your job ads to work hard and attract more of the right candidates.
What’s inside?
Learn why your ads aren’t working
Job ads are supposed to sell. Written well, they can appeal to your ideal candidates. There are five common reasons why job ads don’t resonate with candidates.
Discover the best tips for writing winning ad copy
Kelly shares her expert tips on writing winning job ad copy that attracts the right candidates. Discover the one thing that all candidates want to know.
Use the formula
Copywriters use slick formulas to convince you to buy things you didn’t know you needed. Adopt this approach when you’re writing job ads and you’ll be surprised with the results.