Swaggie + JobAdder integration

Find casual, seasonal & ongoing work

Swaggie is a free job platform, making it easier for people to apply for skilled and generally skilled work around their availability.

As an employer or agency, jobs can be posted for as long as needed – helping you plan and attract workforce for peak periods, busy seasons, and general turnover.

Connect with Swaggie for free and grow your jobseeker candidate pool. Post jobs and reach jobseekers globally, with registrations across 28 countries on Swaggie and people living in or travelling to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Europe, USA and elsewhere looking for work.

Reach skilled and semi-skilled jobseekers of all ages, across all industries. Popular industries for people looking for work include Agriculture, Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Labouring, Cleaning, Care, Office work and more.

Add Swaggie to your job boards today.

LinkedIn Basic Jobs
Dr. Job
Pedestrian JOBS
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