In-house recruitment software for a better, more efficient hiring process

An all-in-one platform to meet all your recruitment needs, faster.

  • Automate your recruitment admin
  • Post to 200+ job boards natively
  • Manage all your open roles through a single platform
  • Seamless integration with your favourite work tools and apps
  • Ensure data integrity and reliability

Simplifying recruitment all around the globe

Workflow automation

Make your internal recruitment team even stronger

Fulfil company needs faster by streamlining your most repetitive admin. Job posting, interview scheduling, candidate assessments, social media recruiting and new employee onboarding can all be done in a breeze with our talent acquisition software, so you can fill vacancies faster than ever.

Why in-house recruitment teams love JobAdder

30th Dec
Empower Construction

Empower Construction was founded in 2007 by Ryan Steyn and is now the largest lightweight installation construction company in Australia. …

We wanted to find something that helped us keep all information in one place and also track the process and the stage we’re at with candidates… JobAdder is a one-stop shop solution.

Vicky Lydon
Establishment Manager at Empower Construction
30th Dec

Method to the madness Family owned and operated for more than 35 years, Burbank has evolved into a multi-faceted national …

We couldn’t capture any data previous to having JobAdder and monthly reporting was a nightmare. JobAdder makes it so much easier and delivers useful insights that shape our ongoing recruitment activity

Patrick Mylonas
People, Culture & Performance Manager at Burbank Group
26th Oct
Shine Lawyers

As one of Australia’s largest litigation law firms, Shine Lawyers needs an ATS and CRM that can empower its recruitment …

“Now, we have talent pools set up. We have candidate ratings. We have skills coding. We’re using all of those tools, and we’re finding great candidates, quickly. Our previous ATS didn’t have those features, so we had to start afresh with each candidate, every time they applied. That’s how JobAdder has improved our time to fill, massively. And it makes us happy to use it every day.”

Michelle Kelly
Talent Acquisition Lead
Stephanie Chara

It was the fact that JobAdder is a full package, from both a cost and usability point of view, that was most appealing… JobAdder is also quite straightforward to use; days are busy so you don’t want to be using anything that involves a lot of steps.

Ravi Depala
Winning Group

Time to hire is significantly less than what it was before. Which ultimately is cost-saving across the business.

Frank Spina
Fenner Dunlop

JobAdder makes it easy to engage our candidates and keep them up to date with where they are in the process. It has simplified and made it very easy to stay connected with our candidates. The TA team loves how much easier it is to engage not only our candidates but also other key stakeholders such as hiring managers.

Joel Broughton

We look at what jobs we have open, how long they take to fill and how much we’re saving. JobAdder Analytics saves us a ridiculous amount of time and is a brilliant system.

Samantha Robertson

We’re a flat structure in the HR team so to have a tool that involves the hiring manager is fantastic and makes the process more efficient.

Jessie Morphet

You can really see how far ahead in the process managers are – it gives me a bird’s eye view of the recruitment process and where we are falling down. I also really love that you can set up email templates, where I can bulk email [and] insert fields so it looks more personalised. It just allows me to do things quicker than if I was doing a manual process. It’s quite intuitive.

Matt Baker
Bolton Clarke

It’s been great to provide visibility of the recruitment activity to hiring managers and be a single location for their recruitment needs. Previously, sharing applications involved zipping up CVs and sending them via email, which led to them getting lost fairly easily.

Patrick Mylonas
Burbank Group

I would say it has allowed us to streamline our recruitment process and posting an ad is so much easier. You just have to do it once and don’t have to go into four different programs, which is fantastic.

Claire Wall
Hacer Group

Interaction with JobAdder is easy, the Support Centre is amazing!

Download a brochure

Want to learn more about how JobAdder can drive efficiency and reduce costs in your business? Download the JobAdder in-house brochure now.

Effortless collaboration

Work with your team from anywhere, all the time

From our single, easy to use dashboard and mobile app, easily collaborate with your team to ensure your recruitment efforts stay on track. Communicate with your hiring team, view candidate profiles and manage your talent pipeline, all in one place.

AI database search

Find your top talent faster

When it comes to sourcing candidates, it pays to start with the talent you already have. In addition to finding potential candidates, nurturing your best talent and searching unlimited talent pools and pipelines, use our AI and skill matching algorithm to evaluate your best candidates at speed.

Job boards

Broaden your candidate search

Find the right candidates in a flash with fast, easy job posting to 200+ job boards globally. For our LinkedIn* and SEEK** fans, enjoy a 2-way integration to supercharge your search.

*LinkedIn licence required; **AU and NZ only

Recruitment CRM

Keep top talent interested throughout the recruitment process

Nurture top talent so nobody falls through the cracks. Easily send and track messages to candidates, perform assessments and manage candidate shortlists all in one place.

EVP and employer branding

Elevate your employer brand and improve candidate experience

Brand all your recruitment communications to create a consistent candidate experience with custom templates, video job adverts and more. Plus, automate workflows to ensure no candidates are neglected.

Insights and analytics

Deliver talent acquisition reports back to the business

With over 60 built-in, customizable recruitment analytics reports in a single dashboard, pulling performance reports is easier than ever. Plus, our software collects data for you, ensuring you have access to the most accurate, up-to-date numbers.


Seamless integrations with the tools you love

Our software works alongside your favourite tools, apps and platforms so your recruitment strategy can stay simple. Fulfil your hiring needs all in one place, from screening candidates and scheduling interviews to sending follow-up emails and answering candidate questions.

Assessment Tools
Payroll Software
Onboarding Software
Billing & Invoicing
Productivity for Recruiters
Digital Document Signing
Background & Reference Checks
Workforce Management
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
Assessment Tools
Background & Reference Checks
Onboarding Software
Productivity for Recruiters
Workforce Management
Generative AI for Recruiters
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
Workforce Management
Assessment Tools
WorkPro logo
Background & Reference Checks
Billing & Invoicing
Websites for Recruiting
tempay logo
Billing & Invoicing
Candidate Experience
Assessment Tools

Automatic documentation

Make every process fully auditable

Automatically track and record everything that happens throughout the hiring process, so you always have everything you need.

Training and support

Get the support you need, when you need it

With award-winning support on hand 24/6 via phone, chat and support requests, we’ve got you covered. Find unique in-product, on-demand guidance to help your team execute hiring plans with ease. Additionally, utilise our extensive library of articles and videos to round out your industry expertise.

Discover the joy JobAdder can add to your job

  1. Easy and intuitive
  2. Award-winning local support
  3. Flexible pricing options