Case studies

Group MD David Jackson on S2P’s return to JobAdder

Personally, I have found that I’m saving an amazing amount of time on a daily basis. The team is getting the hang of it and have been very positive about their experiences.

Homeward bound

10 years ago, S2M digital, an S-Core Group company, signed up to JobAdder but as the group grew with new Managing Directors across its four brands, one of those, S2P, chose a different ATS.

Two years later, they “sacked the vendor and pulled everyone back into JobAdder across the group, because the guys at S2P realised it was a lot better in its functionality and a lot easier to use. Just a more commonsense approach to using a database,” explained David Jackson, Group Managing Director, who went on to say, “we will never go back!”

JobAdder’s support was another key criterion. “The support is awesome. It’s the best support I’ve had in any of my service providers across any of the businesses I’ve worked in. it’s outstanding,” David added.

Keeping communication lines open

For the S-Core Group, JobAdder predominantly addressed a need to understand the candidates sitting in their databases. With three of the four businesses within the group using JobAdder (the fourth is a professional services IT consulting business), it became clear that 15 years of database building had resulted in a lack of clarity.

“JobAdder was amazing with their career update function,” said David. “We’ve started using that and it’s becoming really effective. It’s allowing us to have what I’d call an automated database, as opposed to having staff ring up candidates all day long. We can send out emails to 2,000 candidates today, asking them to update their details,” he added.

On the client side, the S-Core Group has been able to manage client expectations through the use of email, sending CVs via JobAdder and being notified when they are opened. Communication with clients is kept within JobAdder, from initial introductions to setting up candidate interviews.

An audit-led discovery

S-Core had been using JobAdder for many years, yet it wasn’t until a suggested audit had been carried out that the team realised how much more value the system could offer them. [The changes] “have only recently been put into play but my Commercial Director is very excited about it. I think we see some great benefits coming down the track,” said David.

While S-Core has always been on top of candidate response times, the company’s Commercial Director Brett Dickinson noted that “using the new workflow format in JobAdder and correct training with the team has helped with lost time. We are saving a lot of time each day using workflows and staying on the home screen.

“Personally, I have found that I’m saving an amazing amount of time on a daily basis. The team is getting the hang of it and have been very positive about their experiences,” he added.

Moving forward, S-Core is ensuring every new recruiter to the Group benefits from 1-1 training on JobAdder, as well as partaking in advanced training every six months. “It’s too early to tell but we foresee an increase in the value of the brand,” said David.

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