JobAdder + Keeyora

Keeyora & JobAdder integration: Texting software for recruiters

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Did you know that a candidate is 5X more likely to respond to a text vs email (and 60X faster!)? 

Keeyora is easy and affordable texting software for recruiters that seamlessly integrates with JobAdder with a couple of mouse clicks. Each recruiter chooses their own texting number from any area code in North America, and all text message conversations are instantly saved into each candidate’s JobAdder profile. 

Keeyora’s nifty click-to-text chrome extension allows recruiters to instantly send 1:1 or 1:many (mass messages) directly from within JobAdder or from any other webpage. Convenient Android and iOS mobile apps allow recruiters to continue texting with candidates while they’re away from their computer. Customers particularly love the customizable text message templates! 

Each Team account comes with unlimited texting, unlimited call forwarding, and special JobAdder pricing.

At present, Keeyora is available in North America only.

Learn more and book a demo

Productivity for Recruiters
Billing & Invoicing
Candidate Experience
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
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