JobAdder + Konquest

Konquest & JobAdder integration: Commission management for recruiters

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Konquest is the first commission management platform built specifically for recruiters. Now you can automate commission calculations directly from your JobAdder account.

Recruitment leaders around the world use Konquest to replace their slow, manual spreadsheets with end-to-end automation that’s lightning-quick.

Plug Konquest into your JobAdder account to automate commission and bonus calculations for your whole team, giving them real-time, on-demand visibility of their biggest incentive.

Konquest is designed specifically for recruiters, and we understand the challenges you may have managing commissions today. Multiple currencies, team overrides, complex schemes, “pay when paid” and clawbacks can quickly become problematic to manage in clunky spreadsheets.

Move from a slow, error-prone, centralised process with limited or difficult consultant visibility, to a powerful cloud platform that maximises visibility with beautiful dashboards and interactive commission statements.

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Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
Background & Reference Checks
Video Interviewing
Productivity for Recruiters
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