JobAdder + LoupeRecruit

LoupeRecruit & JobAdder integration: AI candidate assessment & optimisation

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

LoupeRecruit transforms your recruitment process by seamlessly integrating with JobAdder, allowing you to assess any job application and its candidates swiftly. Evaluate an unlimited number of candidates for any role in seconds using our advanced AI, which understands both job descriptions and candidate resumes. This solution drastically reduces the time spent on candidate assessments, improves hiring accuracy, and accelerates responses to hiring managers.

LoupeRecruit enhances your JobAdder experience with:

  • AI-powered candidate evaluations and rankings
  • Automated generation of personalized candidate suitability summaries
  • Custom interview questions derived from AI insights
  • Easy integration with existing JobAdder workflows

Use LoupeRecruit for uncontracted roles and to send suitability summaries to prospective clients as part of your business development efforts.

Connect your JobAdder account with LoupeRecruit by signing up at

Background & Reference Checks
Voice Call Software
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