JobAdder + Onboarded

Onboarded & JobAdder integration: Simple candidate onboarding solutions

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Onboarded is a cloud-based SaaS product focused on helping organisations & recruitment agencies better recruit and onboard candidates. Simple to use and fully integrated with JobAdder, it has the flexibility to work for any organisation.

Features include:

  • Customised forms to be sent to candidates that can be completed online from any device
  • Forms include all documentation such as finance, training, inductions, licenses, Tickets & expiry dates.
  • Add skills requirements to your form to allow the ability to search for skills in JobAdder as you may already have the perfect candidate on record.
  • All information transferred at a click of a button with our deep integration with JobAdder saving time, adding more information while reducing data errors

Onboarded helps organisations become more scalable, allowing them to serve more candidates faster and easier while remaining fully compliant. Book a demo today.

Voice Call Software
Onboarding Software
Video Interviewing
Productivity for Sales
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