JobAdder + WorkPro

WorkPro & JobAdder integration: Automate recruiting, onboarding & compliance

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

The most streamlined workforce compliance system meets the most simplified ATS.

WorkPro brings background checks, eLearning, and ongoing compliance monitoring tools easily accessible within JobAdder.


Assign your packages directly from JobAdder and witness how WorkPro seamlessly handles data back to your JobAdder account without the need for manual data handling, eliminating inconsistencies. The same data between the systems is updated seamlessly, as if WorkPro and JobAdder are one. It’s that simple.


Efficiently administer workforce compliance with the Action button for each applicant. Administer all your background checks, eLearning, and required documents without leaving JobAdder. Get your candidates job-ready with the WorkPro integration. It’s that simple.


Track all candidate progress with up-to-date results within JobAdder’s Activity tab. View and customise your notations, categorise candidates based on their progress or completion, and view documents attached to assigned tasks. You no longer need to track multiple systems, do it all in JobAdder with WorkPro’s integration. It’s that simple.

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Video Interviewing
Voice Call Software
Productivity for Recruiters
Onboarding Software
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