Pro Bono Australia + JobAdder integration
Listing a job on Pro Bono Australia’s jobs board allows your role to be accessed by socially conscious users.

Passionate about doing good, 95% of Pro Bono Australia’s audience believe that organisations have a social obligation. That’s how Pro Bono Australia knows that the people viewing its jobs are going to be the best fit possible for the organisations that need their skills.
Advertised roles will reach over 70,000 users each month and be featured in a weekly job alert email sent to over 33,000 subscribers.
When a role is posted on Pro Bono Australia, you will be helping to continue their social impact program by keeping services such as Pro Bono News and its volunteering board free and accessible to all.
Over one million Australians a year use Pro Bono Australia’s services with a social return on investment found to be 11:1.
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