SchoolHours + JobAdder integration
Australia's family-friendly flexible employment experts.

SchoolHours is an online job search service dedicated to connecting career-minded parents with “Family Friendly” employers. SchoolHours see “Family Friendly” employers as those places of work that accommodate an element of flexibility within the roles they offer.
At SchoolHours, the term ‘flexible’ is used to describe any of the below:
- A full-time role with flexible start/finish times
- A part-time role
- A 4 day week role or a 9 day fortnight role
- A fly-in-fly-out mining placement role
- A job-sharing role
- A telecommuting role
- A casual, seasonal or temporary role
Whichever category the vacancy falls into, as long as it provides a job opportunity that can be filled by a parent and is one that works with the schedule of the family, then it’s a family-friendly employment opportunity that SchoolHours can match with the right parent.
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