Workopolis + JobAdder integration
Helping Canadians find jobs and connecting employers with the high-quality candidates they seek.
Since 2000, Workopolis has been serving the Canadian job market, connecting Canadian professionals and employers.
In addition to the millions of monthly visitors to their website, Workopolis reaches people with opportunities across the web through exclusive partnerships and community sites as well as through innovative use of social networking sites and mobile device functionality.
Along with displaying between 30,000 and 50,000 mobile-friendly job opportunities at any given time, Workopolis also helps Canadians further their careers with tools that make their job searches easier, such as job alert emails and real-time tweets of industry/location specific jobs.
Workopolis offers customized recruitment solutions for businesses big and small. From job postings to a resume database with millions of searchable candidates, they offer unique solutions for each and every business depending on its recruitment needs.
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