JobAdder + HubSpot

HubSpot & JobAdder integration: Bi-directional data Sync for HR teams

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Have you thought about how you can make better use of two important tools you already own? With JobAdder and HubSpot, you can sync data without having to manually enter data or go through messy, time-consuming imports.

Historical syncing

Existing data will be synced right away, while new updates will be synced as they happen

Real-time data sync 

Keeping your team updated wherever you work – without switching back and forth – is easier with shared data.

By sharing information, all members of your team can work more efficiently.

A simple setup

With out-of-the-box field mappings already created, setup is quick and easy. Custom field mappings give you the flexibility to create your own mappings or modify default ones.

Enhance the experience

By using real-time data, you can have more relevant, personalized conversations – ensuring a memorable experience.

To learn more, click here

Payroll Software
Workforce Management
Voice Call Software
Productivity for Sales
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