JobAdder + myInterview

myInterview & JobAdder integration: Candidate video interview platform

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

myInterview is an industry-leading video screening technology that reveals the personality behind the resume. Save 60% of your time to hire or place candidates with myInterview. We do the heavy lifting for you.

Recruiting the correct person for your business is vital. myInterview gives recruiters and hiring managers the best opportunity to understand who is applying for their roles. By flagging standout candidates early on you have a competitive advantage and can identify the right personality alongside the application without having to schedule as conduct phone screens, wait for assessment results to come through or interview everyone who applies face-to-face.

Hire the right person, in the least time with myInterview.

Book a free tour with myInterview.

Video Interviewing
Background & Reference Checks
Assessment Tools
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
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