JobAdder + RoboRecruiter

RoboRecruiter & JobAdder integration: Engage your database via SMS & email

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Activate your database to uncover hidden talent and build and maintain an active, always engaged pool of talent that is relevant for your hiring goals. RoboRecruiter allows you to send chatbot conversations via text and email and bring these responses back into JobAdder to maintain an up-to-date database. With regular check-ins, candidates remain connected and can submit referrals easily, growing your database without any additional effort.

RoboRecruiter is now enabled with WhatsApp in addition to email and SMS. WhatsApp provides a third outbound channel through which you can instantly reach your candidates, increasing your open rates and improving the candidate experience for any WhatsApp users. WhatsApp permits sending outbound campaigns to consented users through pre-approved outreach templates, which RoboRecruiter will assist in creating.

Additionally, the system can send any non-templated message as long as a candidate has replied to your WhatsApp message within the previous 24 hours.

Head to RoboRecruiter’s site to find out more.

Digital Document Signing
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
Payroll Software
Background & Reference Checks
Background & Reference Checks
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