JobAdder + Timesheet Portal
Timesheet Portal & JobAdder integration: Streamline time & expense approvals
(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Timesheet Portal provides you with a streamlined workflow for submission and approval of your contractor’s time and expenses and uses these to generates client invoices and payroll exports.
Timesheet Portal enables your team to perform complex actions for the submission and approval of contractors time and expenses. For example, it offers automated overtime calculations and advanced rate management alongside automated notifications for customising invoice templates.
Once connected with JobAdder, placement information will flow through automatically to Timesheet Portal.Highly configurable timesheets will allow you to perform complex functions such as automated overtime calculation, and advanced rates management with a variety of automated notifications and features for customising invoice templates and delivery. It also provides full support for UK PAYE workers, providing AWR management, holiday pay accrual and requests, as well as HMRC intermediary reporting for Limited/Umbrella company contractors.
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