Adzuna + JobAdder integration
Adzuna is a job search engine that helps you reduce the cost of hiring by finding unique job seekers in 19 countries.
Adzuna’s mission is to help match people to better, more fulfilling jobs and keep the world working by providing them with the best place to start their job search.
Adzuna gives job seekers access to every available online job listing in a single site — without giving anyone else access to their personal data — and their unique tools and salary stats help jobseekers pinpoint the perfect role so they can earn what they’re actually worth. They love using the power of our technology to match people to better, more fulfilling jobs and keep the world working.
Adzuna’s unique market coverage and consumer tools provide clear benefits for advertisers. The specific challenges they’re addressing: a tight and volatile labour market, a desire to reduce dependency on large players, a focus on quality job seekers, the impact of AI on the volume and quality of applications, complexity of pricing models and a desire for global solutions.
Adzuna Free:
- Post jobs to Adzuna across any of the 19 countries
- Receive limited exposure to these jobs
- Jobs will rank lower down in the search results when compared to Sponsored job ads
Adzuna Sponsored:
- Reach out to Adzuna to activate your sponsored job ads
- Rank higher in search results when compared to free job ads
- Reach out to active and passive job seekers on their 150+ job websites
- Advertiser Dashboard to monitor engagement and applications per job ad
Book a demo with Adzuna today.
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