FlexCareers + JobAdder integration
FlexCareers is an innovative, professional job service to help surface the best flexible jobs on the market.
FlexCareers knows that there’s a ton of junk out there for job seekers. Whether it’s the too-good-to-be-true business opportunities, endless ads, broken links, repetitive postings or just straight-out scams… well, yes, there’s a lot of junk out there. And it’s often burying the actual good job opportunities.
FlexCareers is working to change that by making the job search experience better, easier, faster and safer for candidates who are searching for flexible opportunities.
The nature of work is rapidly evolving. Between artificial intelligence and automation, the adoption of agile working and the changing needs of talent, FlexCareers is focusing on changing the way we engage, attract and retain our workforce – today and into the future.
At FlexCareers, they believe embracing workplace flexibility is essential to enabling this powerful shift in mindset.
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