Lead Generator

Fresh jobs, curated daily

JobAdder’s Lead Generator is an intelligent bot that finds and delivers job leads directly to your inbox every day. How good is that?

How does Lead Generator work?

Each night, an intelligent bot searches for job postings by companies you currently work with, or have worked with, in JobAdder. So even if you’re too busy or have lost contact with a previous client, Lead Generator will work away in the background, alerting you of any jobs they post. Existing JobAdder users can set up Lead Generator by following the steps in our support article here.

To add even more power to Lead Generator, if you see a job opportunity in your daily email digest, you can add it into JobAdder with one simple click.

Hear why your peers love JobAdder’s Lead Generator

5th Aug
Mary Blake
Citrus Group

This is one of the most perfect platforms for those that are in recruitment, who really want to be able to give dedicated experiences to their clients.

17th May
Phillip Lenzenhuber
NTP Forklifts Australia

From a customer service point of view, 24/6 support is amazing, because it is what recruiters need, and that is such a big help.

3rd Feb
Liz Johnson
TAP – The Ability People

So the best thing for us about JobAdder is the fact that it provides a central location where we can store information, we can share information, we can communicate via it, so whoever is working on a specific role or project at a certain time can always access all of the information they need, so there’s never a black spot in our communication or our productivity based on which team member is working at a specific time.

17th May
Matt Sampson
Aspect Personnel

As a customer, despite JobAdder’s growth over the last 11 years, in terms of both size and customer base, one thing that remains true is that we feel like we’re listened to. It’s hard when you’re working with a growing business to still have that sense of connectedness with that business, which I’m really pleased to say that we do with JobAdder.

2nd Feb
David Chicken
Twelve Talent

The key for me is the partnering element between JobAdder Support and their clients; they are always there to solve a problem or listen to improvement suggestions. You would definitely not get this reactive response from the other providers.

3rd Feb
Laura Moffitt
Harper Anderton

My favourite thing about JobAdder is the flexibility that it provides. We can completely customise the software to match exactly what we need and what works for our business.

3rd Feb
Mary Blake
Citrus Group

It’s the constant redevelopment and new initiatives that are coming out that means we haven’t even broached looking anywhere else. It’s fast, quick and enables [the team] to deliver a level of experience back to the marketplace.

3rd Feb
Phillip Lenzenhuber
NTP Forklifts Australia

People don’t understand the power of JobAdder or what JobAdder has – it’s an amazing tool. You feel totally at home. That’s how I feel when I come into the office in the morning, I’m actually looking forward to going to work. Because I like my job with JobAdder, it makes my life just so much easier.

23rd Jun
Jason McGregor

It was about having an accessible solution that was not limited by geography. We needed candidates to be able to apply from anywhere and we needed to be able to deal with large volumes of applications.

Discover the joy JobAdder can add to your job

  1. Easy and intuitive
  2. Award-winning local support
  3. Flexible pricing options

Answers to your Lead Generator questions

How does JobAdder’s applicant tracking software (ATS) work?
JobAdder’s ATS is an end-to-end recruitment system designed to help recruiters, agencies, hiring teams, and HR management alike attract and hire the best candidates possible. From the very start of the recruitment process right through to placement, our platform enables everything to happen centrally. From attracting job seekers to managing applications, interview scheduling, sharing shortlisted candidates, doing reference checks, social recruiting, communicating with candidates, clients, hiring managers and more.
How is JobAdder different from other staffing and recruitment platforms?

JobAdder exists to make recruitment more efficient and joyful for everyone involved – not just the users of our platform. We’re here to improve the hiring experience for candidates, clients, internal stakeholders, human resources management and HR teams as well as recruiters, and that drives our continual innovation. Visit Why JobAdder to learn more.

Which industries is JobAdder most suitable for?

From telecommunications to technology, mining to marketing, our recruitment software helps recruiters in every sector shine. Find out how we can best help your industry here.

What type of business is JobAdder suitable for?

The JobAdder platform is designed to help make recruitment more efficient and joyful for all involved. The businesses it is most suited to are recruitment and staffing agencies and in-house HR and talent acquisition teams – the teams that manage the recruitment process.

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Business development
In-app training

Learn as you work without leaving the platform

Database management
Client Portal

Share one branded place with your clients to manage job requisitions, submissions and interview feedback.

Business development
Recruitment analytics

Dive deep into your recruitment data to make better business decisions.

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