JobAdder + RSM InTime

RSM InTime & JobAdder integration: Revolutionise HR & compliance processes

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Introducing our cutting-edge integration between JobAdder and RSM Intime, designed to revolutionize your HR and compliance processes. With this seamless integration, you can effortlessly synchronize placements created in JobAdder with RSM Intime, ensuring that vital details about jobs, clients, candidates, and consultants are transmitted accurately and automatically.

But that’s not all – our integration goes beyond just one-way communication. It enables bidirectional data flow, meaning timesheet information recorded in RSM Intime is seamlessly displayed back in JobAdder’s entities. No need to worry about manual data entry or discrepancies – all necessary custom fields for data sync to InTime are automatically created in JobAdder, ensuring precision and efficiency in your workflow.

Experience unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and accuracy in managing your recruitment and compliance tasks with the JobAdder-RSM Intime integration. Say goodbye to tedious manual processes and hello to streamlined operations that empower your team to focus on strategic initiatives and business growth. Try our integration today and unlock the full potential of your HR operations.

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