Hiring Manager Portal

Transform the way you work with hiring managers

Manage job requisitions, resumes and interview feedback in real time, all under one user-friendly dashboard.

Hiring Manager Portal

Simplify workflows with frictionless approvals

Make requisitions a breeze, even when you require sign-off from multiple people. Shortlist top candidates for review, get instant approvals for hire and keep everyone in the loop with real-time messaging from either mobile or desktop.

Stay organised with a powerful ATS

Our applicant tracking system (ATS) keeps everything organised under a single, centralised dashboard. Schedule interviews, review candidates, store candidate notes, coordinate onboarding, talk to hiring managers, post to multiple job boards and more, all in one place.

Reduce time to hire with automated candidate updates

Bulk send all applicants for review to streamline your hiring process and make life easier for your hiring managers. Plus, improve your candidate experience with faster turnaround times and automated candidate updates.

Hear why your peers love JobAdder’s Hiring Manager Portal

3rd Feb
Patrick Mylonas
Burbank Group

I think JobAdder has paid for itself. Previously we found we’d get all these applications and they would be mixed up with our other emails and we’d miss things. Now everything is under a specific job, we know who to contact and can do a bulk email to the recruiting manager to take a look at the candidates.

17th May
Johanna Laface
Vocus Group

The Hiring Manager tool has allowed us to further automate and reduce the amount of admin in our process. Our business is very “fast-moving”, and I believe that JobAdder aligns to that. We get the quick response time out of JobAdder, which is what we need to successfully perform in our roles.

17th May
Sam Smith

It’s definitely something that is easy to get into and it’s easy to manage people that haven’t had a lot of training as well. Our hiring managers love the Hiring Manager portal…they don’t need to recreate the wheel.

17th May
Frank Spina
Fenner Dunlop

JobAdder makes it easy to engage our candidates and keep them up to date with where they are in the process. It has simplified and made it very easy to stay connected with our candidates. The TA team loves how much easier it is to engage not only our candidates but also other key stakeholders such as hiring managers.

17th May
Samantha Robertson

We’re a flat structure in the HR team so to have a tool that involves the hiring manager is fantastic and makes the process more efficient.

17th May
Matt Baker
Bolton Clarke

It’s been great to provide visibility of the recruitment activity to hiring managers and be a single location for their recruitment needs. Previously, sharing applications involved zipping up CVs and sending them via email, which led to them getting lost fairly easily.

17th May
Amy Wilkins

I definitely use Hiring Manager, as I don’t have time to be managing candidates for my colleagues. It’s really powerful. It’s actually saving us time because we’ve got greater visibility of where we’re at with each process – it also gives us a bit of visibility to know where our high priority areas are.

Discover the joy JobAdder can add to your job

  1. Easy and intuitive
  2. Award-winning local support
  3. Flexible pricing options

Answers to your Hiring Manager Portal questions

How does JobAdder’s applicant tracking software (ATS) work?
JobAdder’s ATS is an end-to-end recruitment system designed to help recruiters, agencies, hiring teams, and HR management alike attract and hire the best candidates possible. From the very start of the recruitment process right through to placement, our platform enables everything to happen centrally. From attracting job seekers to managing applications, interview scheduling, sharing shortlisted candidates, doing reference checks, social recruiting, communicating with candidates, clients, hiring managers and more.
How is JobAdder different from other staffing and recruitment platforms?

JobAdder exists to make recruitment more efficient and joyful for everyone involved – not just the users of our platform. We’re here to improve the hiring experience for candidates, clients, internal stakeholders, human resources management and HR teams as well as recruiters, and that drives our continual innovation. Visit Why JobAdder to learn more.

Which industries is JobAdder most suitable for?

From telecommunications to technology, mining to marketing, our recruitment software helps recruiters in every sector shine. Find out how we can best help your industry here.

What type of business is JobAdder suitable for?

The JobAdder platform is designed to help make recruitment more efficient and joyful for all involved. The businesses it is most suited to are recruitment and staffing agencies and in-house HR and talent acquisition teams – the teams that manage the recruitment process.

Do I need to download or install anything to use the JobAdder platform?

No. JobAdder is a cloud-based platform, so you will be able to access simply from your desktop browser -nothing else required. For the best possible experience, we recommend using the latest version of: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari v10 (Mac only), Internet Explorer V11 (Windows only).

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Job boards

Use our global network of job boards to find qualified candidates, anywhere, instantly. With the click of a button, post to 200+ of the best job sites all around the world.

Application management
Task Management

Stay on top of your to-do list and never forget to follow up again with Task Management.

Candidate sourcing
Job description templates

A free and growing library of downloadable job description templates to help you get started.

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