On-demand webinar

Tech stack for success: How these agencies are using tech in recruitment

During these uncertain times, it has become increasingly important to ensure that you have the tools behind you not only to weather the storm but to ensure your prosperity. 

It’s no secret that recruitment agencies have faced significant challenges in the last year, however, it’s important to look to the success stories that have taken place. For some agencies, embracing technology has allowed them to continue to thrive, highlighting the importance of a powerful tech stack. 

Join our speakers from Spencer Lane, National Workforce, Lotus People and MAYDAY Recruitment where they will be discussing:

  • Agency success stories through 2020 and the tech that made the difference for them
  • How to automate processes in order to focus on important client relationships
  • How tech stacks can help to tackle any continued recruitment challenges for the year ahead

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Jacqui Russell

Managing Director, National Workforce

Sinead Connolly

Director and Co-Founder, Lotus People

Lynne Johnstone

Managing Director, Mayday Recruitment

Ez Khan

Managing Director, Spencer Lane