CV-Library + JobAdder integration
CV-Library is the UK's largest independent job board
CV-Library is the UK’s largest independent job board, boasting a database of over 18 million CVs. Offering a competitive range of packages, CV-Library provides comprehensive hiring solutions for companies of all sizes, industries and locations nationwide. Whether you’re sourcing candidates from CV-Library’s huge CV database or advertising your roles to a wide talent pool across their network of 800+ sites, the team understand how important it is to get results quickly.
The multi-award-winning platform attracts over 4.3 million unique site visitors every month, generating over 3 million job applications. CV-Library provides a fully account-managed service throughout your hiring campaign, ensuring you achieve the best results.
CV-Library has been rated as the UK’s #1 job board on Trustpilot and, for eight years in a row, at least 95% of clients rate their service as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
If you are looking for the CV-Library recruiter login, you could save yourself some time by posting to multiple job boards through JobAdder.
Click here for a CV-Library free trial.
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