JobAdder + Peoplogica (JobFit)

Peoplogica & JobAdder integration: Psychometric assessments for recruitment

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What if you could more effectively match job candidates to your clients’ roles? You would improve selection outcomes, insure against early failure rates and provide the client with a management report which will assist them to maximise employee performance and engagement levels. Plus the ability to more efficiently recycle your applicants by being able to match them to other roles in the future.

Peoplogica’s JobFit assessment is the only job matching psychometric assessment built specifically for the recruitment industry. They enable professional recruiters to accurately assess behavioural traits and reasoning skills to connect the right people with the right jobs.

Included with the assessment solution are a variety of reports;

  • Selection Report (measures fit & tailored behavioural interview questions)
  • Management Report (coaching, mentoring & training suggestions)
  • Individual Profile (self-development report for the candidate)
  • JobFit Report (identifies all roles the candidate has “fit” to)
  • Plus other reports

The recruiter benefits include:

  • Identify the critical abilities, traits and interests that could be incorporated into job advertisements
  • The Selection Report will quickly identify the areas of potential concern for each candidate and provide tailored behavioural interview questions to assist recruitment consultants to explore these areas in greater detail
  • Provide the clients with interview questions for the client/candidate interviews
  • Exceed the clients’ expectations by providing coaching, mentoring and training suggestions for candidates
  • Use the advanced reporting capabilities to recycle candidates that have previously been assessed

Workforce Management
Websites for Recruiting
Workforce Management
Assessment Tools
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