emedcareers + JobAdder integration
Discover the best pharmaceutical, biotech, medical or healthcare talent.
emedcareers is a job board that aims to make the hunt for pharmaceutical talent as fast and as easy as possible. It has roles for every pharmaceutical, biotech, medical or healthcare skill set and interest – from medical sales to statisticians, registered nurses to CRAs.
emedcareers is part of Totaljobs Group Ltd, which is the UK’s largest and fastest-growing online recruitment company and comprises 11 job board businesses. These job boards carry over 255,000 jobs between them and attract over three million jobseekers every month who generate 1.6 million applications.
These job boards are CareerStructure, Caterer.com, CatererGlobal.com, CWJobs.co.uk, RetailChoice.com and Totaljobs.com.
Totaljobs Group Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Reed Elsevier Group plc, a FTSE 100 company and one of the world’s largest publishing and information companies.
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