JobAdder +

Shortlyst & JobAdder integration: AI automation for recruiters

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Shortlyst’s recruitment tool gives you access to 650+ million professional profiles, smart filters and contact details of candidates. The AI-enabled recruitment tool uses machine learning automation to find the perfect match for your requirements. 

Shortlyst helps you get the most out of your recruitment tools by offering:

  • Unlimited access to 650M+ global talent profiles
  • Ability to automate reach out to candidates
  • Access to additional contact information of talents

The JobAdder and Shortlyst integration offers a strong foundation for an enduring agency.

  • Reduce time to hire by up to 50%
  • Reduce cost of recruitment tools by up to 80%
  • Reduce time spent on manual tasks by up to 75%
  • Happier and more productive consultants

Get started with Shortlyst for free here.

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