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Christmas Lunch & Learn: Discover the #1 rated Recruitment CRM.

A relaxed 30 min demo and Q&A live session.

Date and time:
Wednesday 13th December at 11:00am GMT

Join our 30 min virtual lunch meeting to discover why agencies love using JobAdder as their CRM and receive a £20 Uber Eats Gift Card to cover your lunch.* This session is limited to 50 participants so be quick and save your seat!

Some key topics include:

  • JobAdder CRM’s impact on efficiency gains, including time to hire, profit margins, and employee success and retention.
  • The steps to search and create talent pools for accelerated success.
  • How to master stress-free Compliance with JobAdder’s automation and built-in processes.
  • Why the JobAdder PartnerScape and our integrations provide competitive advantage.

Why you don’t want to miss this event

Discover insights fuelled by experience

Find out how fast-growing Recruitment companies have scaled their teams, operations and capabilities through implementing JobAdder, despite uncertain economic conditions.

Opportunity to ask the experts LIVE

Take advantage of the live session and ask any burning questions you have on how JobAdder would work for you and your team.

Claim your £20 Voucher

Discover JobAdder and enjoy lunch on us! We’ll send all attendees a £20 Uber Eats Gift Card after the session.*

Who should attend?

Recruitment professionals keen to understand how a more efficient CRM will power their Recruitment business growth. This demo will be relevant to everyone, from C Suite and Business Owners through to Operations Managers, IT Leaders and Individual Consultants.

Terms & Conditions:

*Offer only applies to companies that do not already use JobAdder CRM. Qualifying contacts must have attended the Virtual Lunch Session and be part of a Recruitment Team with a business email address. Limited to two vouchers per company. Cannot be claimed more than once.