AI and Skill Matching
Source top talent faster with JobAdder AI recruiting tools
Automatically discover candidates who match your open roles with our artificial intelligence and skill matching AI recruiting software.
Expand your candidate sourcing, no extra time required
JobAdder automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks so you can focus on more meaningful activities.
Post to 200+ job boards
Post to over 200 job boards natively in a couple of clicks and reach qualified candidates everywhere.
Filter candidates by skill, experience and more
Search your talent pool in a flash. Filter resumes for your most important criteria to effortlessly narrow your search for the right candidate.
Social media recruiting
Publish ads to job boards and status updates to social media like LinkedIn and SEEK, simultaneously.
Apply metrics in real-time
Learn which parts of your hiring process work – and which parts need some work. Customise data sets and KPIs for real-time insights so you can change your recruitment strategy quickly and effectively.
AI and Skill Matching
Optimise your talent acquisition process with automated talent matching
Our skill matching algorithm and AI technology lead you to the best candidates in your database, fast. Increase your quality of hire while making life easier for your recruiting team.
A candidate experience great enough to keep your best talent engaged
Streamline your CRM processes so communicating with top candidates is easier than ever. AI-powered automation ensures your candidates feel valued throughout your hiring process.
An Applicant Tracking System to bin the admin
JobAdder’s smart automation helps simplify your workflows, freeing you up to do more of what you love. Candidate assessments, messaging with applicants, tracking hiring progress, and keeping everybody in the loop is easier than ever, even with a high volume of applicants.
Hear why your peers love JobAdder’s AI and Skill Matching
Answers to your AI and Skill Matching questions
JobAdder exists to make recruitment more efficient and joyful for everyone involved – not just the users of our platform. We’re here to improve the hiring experience for candidates, clients, internal stakeholders, human resources management and HR teams as well as recruiters, and that drives our continual innovation. Visit Why JobAdder to learn more.
From telecommunications to technology, mining to marketing, our recruitment software helps recruiters in every sector shine. Find out how we can best help your industry here.
The JobAdder platform is designed to help make recruitment more efficient and joyful for all involved. The businesses it is most suited to are recruitment and staffing agencies and in-house HR and talent acquisition teams – the teams that manage the recruitment process.