JobAdder + Ento

Ento & JobAdder integration: Manage shift-based workforces with HR

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Manage your entire employee lifecycle with Ento’s powerful HR & WFM platform for shift based workforces. Connect JobAdder to automatically Onboard new employees placed by your recruiting team!

Ento is a powerful, cloud based HR & WFM platform, enabling shift based workforces to manage their employee lifecycle, with capability including;

  1. Onboarding & Inductions
  2. CoreHR & Communication
  3. HR Workflows, Performance & Processes
  4. Rostering & Scheduling
  5. Time & Attendance
  6. Award & Agreement Interpretation
  7. Staff self service, Leave Management & shift management

Once connected, candidates who are placed in JobAdder will automatically be added to Ento’s pre-onboards list.

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