JobAdder + Integrately

Integrately & JobAdder integration: AI automation with live chat support

(You will require admin access to add this to your account)

Integrately helps you connect JobAdder to several apps. This makes it easy for recruiters to set up automations, plus:

  1. Transfer candidate data submitted through forms to JobAdder.
  2. Directly share job postings on social media platforms based on new vacancies.
  3. Schedule interviews according to team availability using Calendar apps.
  4. Create and assign tasks related to interviews and onboarding of candidates in project management platforms
  5. Share hiring updates to team members on your preferred communication channels right from JobAdder.
  6. Send emails about important events or recruitment status to keep everyone in the loop.

You’ll need an Integrately account to connect to JobAdder integration. Sign up for 14 Day FREE Trial:

Payroll Software
Assessment Tools
Background & Reference Checks
Background & Reference Checks
Productivity for Recruiters
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