JobAdder + Odro

Odro & JobAdder integration: Complete video interview & engagement tools

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Create incredible connections at every stage in the hiring process with Odro, one of the world’s leading video interviewing and engagement platforms. Odro provides video interviewing, shortlisting, sales messaging and content creation tools in one complete end-to-end solution to help you manage the digital hiring process.

Odro has integrated with JobAdder to provide users with a slick and seamless integration with video that dramatically increases efficiencies and improves workflows. Thousands of recruiters in over 800+ companies worldwide – including some of the industry’s biggest names – are already leveraging the power of Odro to engage with more of the best talent and to win more clients, and better business.

The Odro platform features three key components:

  • Vision™ – streamline your hiring process with live two-way and solo one-way interviewing capabilities, then present candidates in a cutting-edge shortlisting portal for review, backed up with advanced analytics and data-led insight. Odro also integrates with MS Teams for even greater flexibility and control.
  • Capture™ – engage more talent and win more clients with Odro’s multi-award-winning and highly effective video sales messaging tool. Accessed via a Chrome extension you can record and send personalised video messages, complete with screen recorded backgrounds, at the click of a button.
  • Producer™ – Odro also features a complete video editing suite which allows you to create eye-catching, professionally edited video content quickly and easily, ready to share in a matter of minutes. Employer branding, job ads, boosting your personal profile; become your own producer.

When it comes to video tech, there’s no better solution. Get in touch with the Odro team to start harnessing the power of video from inside JobAdder today.

Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
AI Sourcing
Websites for Recruiting
Assessment Tools
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
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