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Showing All (126-129 of 129)
rejection letter
Advice and how tos
17th May
How to write a rejection letter after an interview

No recruiter enjoys sending rejection letters, especially when a candidate shows huge potential during their interview. It’s never an easy …

9 types of bias that can influence your candidate selection
9th Apr
9 types of bias that can influence your candidate selection

An unfortunate reality of the modern world is that hiring processes are often biased and unfair. This is supported by …

JobAdder Desk
21st Jul
Hot vs. cold desk: Know which one you’re sitting at?

RPO, BPO, LMS… Recruitment terminology can be almost as complex as marketing talk when it comes to industry lingo. A …

x-ray screening
9th Jul
X-ray screening for success!

Finding candidates has become a hot button topic for recruiters. Today, there are even more tools to help power you …

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