JobAdder + Refapp

Refapp & JobAdder integration: Research-driven, easy reference checking

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Refapp is a plug-and-play reference-checking solution based on scientific research, which assists recruiters to gain valuable insights on their candidates.

Refapp’s integration with JobAdder is developed to create a seamless workflow for users, allowing for a fully automated reference-checking process. Whether you are scheduling calls or sending out forms to references, Refapp ensures that you are saving time and staying organised through JobAdder.

Using the latest recruitment research and best practices to help users make informative hiring decisions. Refapp allows users to create their own questions or use role specific templates built by Refapp’s research team. Candidate data is collected in an easy to read report, which can be securely shared with external and internal stakeholders.

When integrating Refapp, recruiters can gather data from references through JobAdder, without ever having to leave the interface. To initiate the integration, log into Refapp from the JobAdder platform and you are ready to go!

We at Refapp are eager to learn about your recruitment process and how we can help. Click the link below to book a call with a member of our team and start saving time and gaining candidate insights today!

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Video Interviewing
Payroll Software
Chat, SMS, Text & Messaging
Background & Reference Checks
Workforce Management
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