JobAdder + TalentVine

TalentVine & JobAdder integration: Better recruiting decisions for critical roles

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TalentVine is a recruitment consultant aggregator that connects employers to their choice of top-rated specialist recruiters. How this works is recruiters bid for the opportunity to present their best talent, and TalentVine then shows employers with performance metrics and ratings, so that they can quickly identify the most suitable recruiter to help fill their positions.

TalentVine makes outsourced recruitment affordable, transparent and straightforward by using performance metrics and industry ratings to eliminate the risk of hiring the wrong candidate. With the right mix of technology and human interaction, employers can piggy-back off the time and costs that specialist recruiters have already invested into hiring similar roles.

JobAdder’s integration with TalentVine helps JobAdder users make better hiring decisions through their platform by promising to ensure that employers and recruiters work together directly to hire all their roles without being a barrier between both parties.

This integration makes it easier for JobAdder users to focus on quality over price; ensuring that they focus on getting the most suitable recruiters, as opposed to the cheapest

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